Selasa, 29 April 2008

Parent Involvement

(Ms. Ratih Ibrahim and her lovely son were
making a train in the 2nd Unit : Forces and Movement)
Parent involvement make an enermous impact on students' attitude, attendance, and academic achievement. The resulting partnerships between parents and teachers will increase student achievement and promote better cooperation between home and school. Together these efforts will connect families and schools to help children succeed in school and in their future. Teacher-parent partnerships foster mutual support for teacher and parent roles, increase parent involvement in various school activities and improvement projects, and lead to positive growth for students (Swick, 1991).

Excursion ( Going to Kite Museum )

Last Monday, Year 2 Students were having an excursion.They went to Kite Museum. It is on Jl.H Kamang No.38 Pondok Labu Jakarta 12450 Indonesia. Ph. 0217658075 Fax.0217505112
The students were making different things from clay.

Senin, 28 April 2008

Important Dates

1 - 4 May 2008 : Students Holiday

8 May 2008 : Arts Summit please come to our school you are welcome to join dont miss it!

17 - 20 May 2008: Students Holiday



9 and 10 June 2008 : Parent teacher meeting

11 June - 13 July 2008 : School Holiday

14 June 2008: New academic calendar 2008/2009

Kamis, 24 April 2008

Ms. Ella,Music Teacher

This is Ms Ella our music teacher. She teaches year 2R and other classes. 2R Students have music every monday. She teaches the students how to sing and play angklung well.

Kartini Day 08 Natalie and her mom.

What a good team!
Natalie and her mom were decorating the bread.
They enjoyed the activity that day.
Thank you for the Parents who were coming on that day.

Selasa, 22 April 2008

Go Green !

In the Previous Unit Plants and Animals Year 2 Students were doing planting. Planting has many advantages, it can prevent flood, global warming etc. They were doing with full enthusiasm. Dirty is ok, coz with that way, we have learnt something.

Kamis, 17 April 2008

I am Stella, I am willing to make a friend.

So just join in Tunas Muda School. See U

Selasa, 15 April 2008

Reading Book Everyday With Teachers

Year 2 students have an opportunity to change reading records book and read some pages with the teachers. Teachers will record their progress. For those who are in green level or up, they can change their reading book after they have finished as the pages are quite many.

Hi I'm Pak Budi
I am a sport teacher. I teach Year 2 Sekolah Tunas Muda. My message to you "Don't forget to have exercise once a week at least, to get your body fit and healthy. see you

Welcome to Year 2 blogspot

Hi guys, Welcome to our blogspot. We would like to invite you to our blogspot. You can share any information, ideas or anything positive. You can also express yourself with something creative.


Year 2 Teachers